Elias And Sophie 

Happy Birthday to Elias, you are now 6 Months old, and we have a living present for you, Sophie, lovely and sweet kitten. 

We are NOT sure if the kitten is boy or girl, but for now we call her Sophie. 

I read about it on the internet to determine the sex of our kitten. 

A female kitten’s genital opening will look like a small vertical slit. Together, the anus and genital openings on a female kitten will look like a lowercase “i.”

A male kitten’s genital opening will look like a tiny circular hole. Together, the anus and genital openings on a male kitten will look like a colon ( : )

Based on this, I concluded that, its a girl. But time will tell. I wanted that you will have a female kitten, but when you grow up, you can have what you want. But for now, you have a birthday gift.

Steve Jobs

Last night your mom saw the kitten sitting on Steve Jobs biography book, and she suggested we call the kitten to be Steve Jobs, its funny, and its cool name too. 

Steve jobs is, ... you can Google him, or I will tell you. 

Happy Birthday Elias!
